13 Best Danios Tank Mates 2024 (With Pictures)

Lauren Kiekbusch
Best Danios Fish Tank Mates

As an experienced fishkeeper, I understand the importance of creating a harmonious environment for these active and playful swimmers.

Selecting the right companions for your Danios is not just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring a healthy and stress-free life for your aquatic pets. In this article, we will guide you through the essential aspects of pairing Danios with suitable tank mates.

Whether you’re setting up a new tank or looking to add to your existing setup, our insights will help you make informed decisions. Our focus is on compatibility, ensuring that your Danios thrive alongside their companions in a balanced ecosystem.

Best Tank Mates for Danios

1. Neon Tetra

Best tank mates for danios
Care LevelModerate
Minimum Tank Size 10 gallons

Neon Tetras are small and vibrant, adding a splash of color to any aquarium. Though they can exhibit semi-aggressive behavior, these tiny fish are generally a good fit for a community tank.

While Neon Tetras usually coexist well with Danios, their interactions should be monitored, especially during the initial phase after introduction. Proper acclimatization is key to ensuring peaceful cohabitation.

Neon Tetras thrive on a varied diet, which should include a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods. They also appreciate an environment with plenty of hiding spaces, like plants and decor, to mimic their natural habitat and provide a sense of security. Regular tank maintenance and stable water conditions are essential to keep these delicate fish healthy.

2. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish as the best tank mates for danios
Care LevelEasy
Minimum Tank Size20 gallons

Corydoras Catfish are small and dynamic, known for their peaceful nature and ability to add a lively touch to a community tank. Their distinct appearance and friendly demeanor make them a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts.

These catfish generally coexist well with Danios, given their non-aggressive temperament. It’s important to introduce them properly to the tank to ensure a smooth transition and comfortable cohabitation.

Corydoras Catfish are not demanding in terms of diet; they do well with a variety of foods, including pellets, flakes, and occasional live or frozen treats. They are bottom dwellers, so sinking food is ideal.

Their environment should include plenty of hiding spots and a soft substrate to protect their delicate barbels. Regular tank maintenance and stable water conditions are vital to keep these friendly catfish healthy and happy.

3. Guppies

Guppies as the best tank mates for danios
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelEasy
Minimum Tank Size10 gallons

Guppies are renowned for their vibrant colors and lively presence in the aquarium. They are small in size but big on personality, often displaying semi-aggressive behavior, especially during feeding times or when establishing a pecking order.

Guppies can usually coexist peacefully with Danios, but it’s crucial to monitor their interactions, particularly in the initial stages after introducing them to the tank. Proper introduction and ensuring enough space can greatly enhance their compatibility.

Guppies require a varied diet to maintain their health and coloration. This should include high-quality flake food, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

They appreciate an environment with abundant hiding spaces and plants, offering them shelter and a sense of security. Consistent water quality and regular tank maintenance are key to keeping guppies thriving alongside their Danios tank mates.

4. Mollies

Mollies as the best tank mates for danios
SizeSmall to Medium
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelEasy to Moderate
Minimum Tank Size20 gallons

Mollies are small to medium-sized fish known for their vibrant colors and adaptable nature. They can exhibit semi-aggressive behavior, particularly in smaller tanks or when competing for food.

Generally, Mollies coexist well with Danios, especially in a well-structured aquarium. It’s important to monitor their interaction when first introduced to ensure they adapt well to each other’s presence.

Mollies benefit from a varied diet that includes high-quality flake food, algae wafers, and occasional treats like brine shrimp or daphnia.

They prefer an aquarium with plenty of space to swim and hide, with ample vegetation and hiding spots. Regular water changes and maintaining stable water parameters are crucial for keeping Mollies healthy in a community tank with Danios.

5. Platies

Platies as the best tank mates for danios
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelEasy
Minimum Tank Size10 gallons

Platies are small, vibrant fish that bring a dynamic splash of color to any aquarium. They are generally peaceful but can display semi-aggressive tendencies, particularly in confined spaces or during feeding.

Platies usually get along well with Danios, making them a suitable choice for a community tank. However, their interaction should be monitored after introduction to ensure harmonious cohabitation, particularly in smaller aquariums.

Platies thrive on a varied diet that includes high-quality flake foods, supplemented with vegetable matter and occasional live or frozen foods.

They appreciate an environment that offers plenty of hiding spaces, such as plants and decor, to provide shelter and reduce stress. Maintaining clean, stable water conditions and a spacious environment is key to keeping Platies healthy and happy alongside their Danio tank mates.

6. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasbora as the best tank mates for danios
Care LevelEasy
Minimum Tank Size10 gallons

Harlequin Rasboras are small, visually striking fish known for their peaceful demeanor and attractive coloration. They add a serene beauty to any aquarium and are known for their harmonious nature.

These fish generally coexist well with Danios, thanks to their peaceful temperament. To ensure a smooth introduction and compatibility, monitor their interactions, especially in the beginning.

Harlequin Rasboras thrive on a varied diet that includes quality flake foods, small pellets, and the occasional treat of live or frozen foods such as daphnia or brine shrimp.

They appreciate a planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces, which mimics their natural habitat and provides a sense of security. Consistent water quality and a well-maintained tank are essential for the health and well-being of Harlequin Rasboras in a community setting with Danios.

7. Cherry Barbs

Cherry Barb as best tank mates for danios
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelEasy
Minimum Tank Size20 gallons

Cherry Barbs are small, colorful fish that can add a vibrant touch to your aquarium. They are known for their peaceful nature but can exhibit semi-aggressive behaviors, especially when competing for food or during breeding.

Generally, Cherry Barbs coexist well with Danios, making them a great addition to a community tank. It’s important to monitor their interactions at first, especially in a mixed-species setup, to ensure they adapt well to each other.

Cherry Barbs thrive on a diet that includes a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

They appreciate an aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces, such as dense plants or driftwood, which provide shelter and reduce stress. Regular tank maintenance and stable water conditions are essential for keeping Cherry Barbs healthy and ensuring a harmonious environment with Danios.

8. Gouramis

Gouramis as best tank mates for danios
SizeSmall to Medium
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelModerate
Minimum Tank Size20 gallons

Gouramis are small to medium-sized fish, celebrated for their striking colors and interesting personalities. They can range from peaceful to semi-aggressive, depending on the species and the tank environment.

While Gouramis generally get along with Danios, their compatibility should be carefully monitored. Proper introduction and a spacious tank are key factors in fostering a peaceful coexistence.

Gouramis require a varied diet, including high-quality flake or pellet foods, supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

They appreciate an aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces and some floating plants to provide shelter and a sense of security. It’s important to maintain stable water conditions and perform regular tank cleanings to keep Gouramis healthy and stress-free in a community setting with Danios.

9. Angelfish

Angelfish as best tank mates for danios
SizeMedium to Large
Care LevelModerate
Minimum Tank Size30 gallons

Angelfish, known for their distinct and elegant appearance, range from medium to large in size. They are typically colorful and can exhibit semi-aggressive behaviors, especially in smaller or crowded tanks.

Angelfish and Danios can coexist, but their interactions need careful monitoring. Angelfish might become territorial, particularly if they feel cramped or during breeding. Proper introduction and a spacious aquarium are crucial for a harmonious relationship.

Angelfish require a varied diet that includes flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. They appreciate an environment with plenty of vertical space and hiding spots, such as tall plants or decorations, to mimic their natural habitat.

Maintaining a clean tank with stable water parameters is essential for the health of Angelfish, especially when sharing a tank with active species like Danios.

10. Siamese Algae Eater

siamese algae eater as the best tank mate for danios
DietOmnivorous, Algae-focused
Care LevelEasy to Moderate
Minimum Tank Size20 gallons

The Siamese Algae Eater is a small to medium-sized fish, valued in aquariums for its algae-eating habits. While primarily peaceful, they can display semi-aggressive behavior, especially when competing for food or territory.

Generally, Siamese Algae Eaters coexist well with Danios. However, as with any community tank, it’s important to monitor their interactions initially, especially to ensure that both species have ample space and resources.

A diet rich in algae is crucial for Siamese Algae Eaters, but it should be supplemented with algae wafers, vegetables, and occasional protein like brine shrimp. They thrive in tanks with plenty of hiding spaces and some algae growth for grazing.

Maintaining clean and stable water conditions is important, as well as providing a tank environment that mimics their natural habitat to ensure a healthy life alongside Danios.

11. Pleco

pleco as best tank mates for danios
SizeLarge (varies by species)
DietOmnivorous, Algae-focused
Care LevelModerate
Minimum Tank Size30 gallons (varies by species)

Plecos are a diverse group of fish, typically known for their algae-eating habits. They range in size, with some species growing quite large. While they are mostly peaceful, their size and territorial nature can lead to semi-aggressive behavior, especially in smaller tanks or with limited resources.

Plecos can generally coexist well with Danios, but because of their potential size, it’s important to monitor their interactions. Ensuring enough space and resources for all fish is key to a harmonious tank.

Plecos require a diet that includes plenty of algae, supplemented with algae wafers, vegetables, and occasional protein sources. They need hiding places like caves or large decorations to feel secure.

Regular tank maintenance, including substrate cleaning to manage waste, is crucial, especially in tanks with larger Pleco species. A well-maintained environment with stable water conditions will help Plecos thrive alongside Danios.

12. Swordtails

Swordtail as best tank mates for danios
SizeSmall to Medium
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelEasy
Minimum Tank Size15 gallons

Swordtails are small to medium-sized fish, recognized for their vivid colors and the distinctive sword-like tails in males. They are generally peaceful but can display semi-aggressive behavior, particularly in crowded conditions or during breeding.

Swordtails usually coexist well with Danios, provided they are introduced properly and the tank is not overcrowded. Monitoring their interaction initially is important to ensure a harmonious environment.

A varied diet is essential for Swordtails, including high-quality flake food, vegetables, and occasional live or frozen treats like brine shrimp. They appreciate a tank with ample swimming space and plenty of hiding spots, such as plants or decorations.

Maintaining stable water conditions and a clean, well-filtered aquarium is key to the health of Swordtails in a community setting with Danios.

13. Loaches

loaches fish as best tank mates for danios
SizeSmall to Large (varies by species)
TemperamentPeaceful to Semi-aggressive
Care LevelModerate
Minimum Tank Size20 gallons (varies by species)

Loaches come in a range of sizes and are known for their unique shapes and behaviors. While generally peaceful, some species can exhibit semi-aggressive tendencies, particularly in smaller or densely populated tanks.

Loaches can usually coexist well with Danios, but as with any mixed-species tank, it’s crucial to monitor their interactions after introduction. Ensuring enough space and environmental enrichment is essential for a peaceful cohabitation.

Loaches require a varied diet that includes sinking pellets, vegetables, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp.

They appreciate tanks with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves or driftwood, and a soft substrate to protect their delicate barbels. Regular tank maintenance and stable water parameters are important, especially in a diverse tank that includes both Loaches and Danios.

Tips for Introducing New Tank Mates to Your Danios

The following are great ways to introduce your Danios fish to new tank mates;


1. Acclimatization Process

Gradually acclimate new tank mates to the water conditions in your Danios’ tank. Use a drip line method or float the bag in the tank for about 30 minutes to match temperature and pH levels. Slowly introduce water from the aquarium into the container of the new fish to reduce shock.

2. Monitoring for Aggressive Behavior

Observe the behavior of the fish closely during and after introduction. Look for signs of stress or aggression, such as chasing, nipping, or hiding. If aggression is noted, consider rearranging the tank decorations to disrupt established territories and reduce tension.

3. Ensuring Adequate Space and Hiding Spots

Ensure your tank is spacious enough to accommodate all fish comfortably. Overcrowding can lead to stress and aggression. Provide ample hiding spots like plants, caves, or decorations. These help fish feel secure and establish their own space, reducing the likelihood of conflicts.

Remember, patience is key during the introduction process. Give your fish time to adjust to each other and the new environment for a harmonious aquarium.

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